Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been severely neglecting my blog. In my defense, I've been incredibly busy. I've finally finished high school, and I'm officially finished at the Wellness Centre. A lot of endings, but a lot of new beginnings as well. 

These past few days in particular have been ridiculous. Thank you notes consumed my life for much of the time, and when I wasn't doing thank you's, I was trying to cram this whole summer into two weeks. I applied for and have obtained my business visa for Turkey, and yesterday I worked out most of my financials for the trip (which was more work than you'd think). We've purchased a small pharmacy, pictured below, for my trip. Essentially, any minor ailment or mild discomfort that may occur on this trip is covered. 

My own personal Pharmacy

I've slowly begun to pack. I'm laying out my clothes and such, trying to decide what is necessary and what is not. It's really hard to decide. I feel like I'm going to forget something really vital. Like underwear. 

I've packed all of my pharmacy into one suitcase. My mom thinks that I need two. I'm not sure that I do. I'm almost positive I can fit all of my belongings into our one giant suitcase, but whatever. Two works just as well. 

Tomorrow at 11:00 at have a meeting with Lisa. We're going to chat about the trip. I'm still fuzzy on some of the finer points of this trip, but overall, I'm pretty excited. 

Here's the low down so far:

Friday, I depart from Des Moines at 18:10. We're going to arrive incredibly early. My friend and fellow intern, James Lindgren (Bangladesh), said that his flight from DSM to Chicago was cancelled, so we want to ensure that I have ample time to drive to Chicago if that becomes necessary. I flight out from Chicago around 22:00 and arrive in İstanbul at about 17:00 the next evening. I finally arrive in Ankara, my final destination, around 20:00. From there, my schedule becomes much more fluid. I'm not sure about what will happen the first few days as I acclimate and am orientated. I'll be sure to post things for you to read and follow along with. I'll likely post a video later tonight or tomorrow to see if I can get it working. I'm not nearly as tech savvy as I appear. 

I'll post some more about my schedule tomorrow with the video.

İyi geceler!


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