Sunday, June 12, 2011


I finally figured out the best way to post photos. Sorry to all those expecting photos earlier. 

Like I said before, I spent a couple days with Dr. Amer Dababat in his apartment. This is the view from his apartment. The park you see is Göksu Park. It's really a spectacular view. The park itself is also really great. Sunday, Dr. Dababat and I spent several hours there.

This is some sort of roller coaster-type thing. That building at the bottom is the "station." The line was quite significant when I was down there, so I didn't ride. The yellow dome there has something to do with it. Dr. Dababat wasn't sure either. He hadn't ridden it either.

Yes, these are paddle boats. Big ones. They call them Su Bisikletleri (Water Bicycles). This photo was taken at something like 05:00, so no one was yet there. By the time I had gotten there, they were all in use. If you look at the pictures of the lake above, you can see some fountains. People would drive the boats into the fountains. It was really funny. On a complete side note: these fountains lit up at night. It was really neat to see. The view is equally good at night. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good picture.

If you look closely at the sidewalk, someone has written "Seni Seviyorum" meaning "I love you."

This is one end of Göksu. You can see the great number of apartment buildings. They are very colorful here. In fact, most of the cities are more colorful, bright, and lively than those in the United States. 

This was taken to demonstrate the rocky/rugged/mountainous terrain of Turkey. You can see it in the background. I would compare it to South Dakota—similar to the Black Hills or Badlands.

Down on Göksu Lake. This is the biggest duck I've ever seen. I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture, but this duck could have killed my dog, Skip. <---Haha


Very unique water fowl here. I have no idea what this is. We really don't have an equivalent in the United States. It appeared somewhere between a cormorant and a duck.

More wildlife in the lake. I wish I could have gotten the duck and turtle in the same frame to give you some perspective. The duck could have eaten this thing whole. 


See, I'm still alive. I hate pictures of myself, but apparently, I'm supposed to take more of these. I'm having troubles getting people in them with me. They're more than happy to take it, but no one wants to be in it. They share my disliking of photos.

Alright, well, I'm going to get some sleep. I'll blog some more pictures of Ankara and some new ones of Eskisehir tomorrow evening.

I appreciate everyone reading this! It makes it worthwhile to have readers.

Teşekkürler ve iyi geceler!


1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you and to see your happy face! The photos you are showing are not at all what I was expecting Turkey to look like so am glad to see what I'm missing!
    How is the work part of your trip going? Are you enjoying it? Learning anything? Will you be moving around the whole time you are there?
    Miss you....A.M.
